Ornement floral

by Jennifer Yerkes

Réalisé pour vous, expédié sous 1 à 2 semaines. Prévoir un rallongement de 2 semaines en raison des fêtes de fin d'année.

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89,60 € tax incl.

128,00 € tax incl.


Prix moyen constaté chez nos concurrents pour l'équivalent

Inclus 0,00 € d'écotaxe


Jennifer Yerkes

Jennifer Yerkes was born in the United States. She studied graphic design and art history in the United States, Austria, Hungary and in Scotland. She currently lives in Strasbourg, where she works as a graphic designer and illustrator. She is also the author of books for zoung audiences, teaches design and offers workshops on the illustration and creation of objects and games for all ages.


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