Maya Thomas

Born in 1982 in Lorient, Maya left immediately for Africa where she stayed until her adolescence. Today living in Strasbourg, she continues to be inspired by the geometric themes found in African and Oriental art as well as by the omnipresent geometry found in nature in both the plant and animal kingdoms."

As a child, Maya loved to draw and showed a particular interest in abstract art. Soon her Rotring felt pen held no secrets from her as she mastered black and white expression with such exquisite detail that it incites the beholder of her work to look closer and closer to find its hidden secrets. More time and travel led Maya to softly and subtly let color into her artistic universe as it traverses the elements of nature, while always in search of the perfect symmetry. In 2012 the insect world slipped onto her canvas in greater and greater numbers, coming alive in the maze of her geometric obsession.

More work by Maya Thomas